- lunaserv-3.20160316.tar.bz2 (20MB, md5sum: f97a8a1cb29e4888891d5e9db12698d4) - The main software package; this may be all you need.
- lunaserv-3.20160316-spicedata.tar.bz2 (727MB, md5sum: 4e15b41469b058e6cd06242b1124f3f1) - This contains the NAIF kernels you may need if using night or illumination layer types.
- lunaserv-3.20160316-layerdata.tar.bz2 (9.2GB, md5sum: 4de454b62b89fc84699472f031c0a92c) - Sample layers for a few planetary bodies, great for testing your Lunaserv setup. The layers in this package match the sample front-end configuration file included with Lunaserv.
- map_utils-20181101.tar.bz2 (60KB, md5sum: ad542ea5455e1087b4144c6279bbbd7f) - Updated map_utils to replace the directory inside the main Lunaserv that fixes compilation issues on newer systems.
- naif-spice-2.25.gem (9.5MB, md5sum: 431d9839e6e277ed97a812311bb99d55) - The naif-spice wrapper gem; you will need this to use night or illumination layer types.
- NAIF SPICE toolkit Download Link - You may need to download the appropriate toolkit for your system to be able to compile the naif-spice wrapper gem; however, the appropriate files for OSX, 64 bit Linux, and Raspberry Pi are included in the gem.